Saturday, November 23, 2024

Savanah NWR and Merritt Island NWR

 We were driving south on our way to catch a cruise ship in Fort Lauderdale and decided to spend the afternoon birding at our first stop for the night in Hardeeville SC. About 15 minutes south of Hardeeeville off of route 17 is Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. We arrived at 3:30 with less that two hours of daylight. We drove the four mile long wildlife loop. The port of Savannah was visible far to the southwest. 

At the first bend in the road the wetland there with cattails blowing fluff like snow flurries, we saw our first birds: Pied-billed Grebe, Common Gallinule, and Little Blue Heron.

We continued on packed white sand road with wetlands on either side. A large alligator lay on a bed of smashed cattail while a Little Blue Heron seemingly unconcerned hunted for a late day meal.

Smaller species like Swamp and White-throated Sparrows were more heard than seen. We hoped the occasional live oak hammock may reveal more but they stayed hidden. A Dark-eyed Junco made a brief appearance before vanishing in the underbrush.

The open wetlands gave us great sightings of flying Bald Eagle, Kildeer, and Double-crested Cormorant. An immature female Anhinga perched on a branch above one of the canals.

The setting sun greeted the end of our time in Savannah NWR, and gave a warm glow to the plumage of a Great Blue Heron.

On Friday, November 22nd. We departed our hotel before sunrise and drove to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge east of Titusville FL and in view of the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral. We drove the four mile Black Point Wildlife road that wove through mangrove wetlands and occasional clumps of cabbage palm.

Soon after entering we observed a lot of activity in the marsh. Adult and juvenile White Ibis and Glossy Ibis probed the muck, grunting with indignation at each other. A lone Roseate Spoonbill paid them no mind as it sifted with much with its distinctive spatula-shaped bill.

Not too far from this scene, two brave Western Cattle Egrets played "chicken" in the road with approaching vehicles before slowing strutting to the edge.

The marsh was full of other waders including a Black-necked Stilt, Snowy Egret, Little Blue Heron, and Greater Yellowlegs. 

A Tri-color Heron took a rest and from hunting.


An immature female Anhinga rested on a branch preening her beautiful varied plumage.

The sea of mangrove concealed species we heard and only caught a glimpse of such as Grey Catbird, Green Heron, and Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Wood Stork, Double-crested Cormorant, and Turkey Vulture broke the solid blue sky soaring over the mangroves and disappearing in the distance.

On our way out of the refuge an alligator taking a sun bath on a hump of land bid adieu.

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