Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Birding Rhode Island on 9-19-23

 We left our accommodations early Tuesday morning with the sun shinning in our eyes as we headed east to Sachest National Wildlife Refuge for our first introduction to birding The Ocean State. The bright sun and brisk breeze as well as a hurrican many many miles out in the Atlantic made for a great birding day.


On the Flint Trail where it was a bit more wooden than the open wild flower meadows warblers flitted in the undergrowth and vine tangles. We saw American Redstart, White-eyed Vireo...


Red-eyed Vireo ...


Palm Warbler...


And Common Yellowthroat...


We saw a large raft of Common Eider riding the swells near the rocks. Lots of Double-crested Cormorant perched on the rocks as waves beat around them. This one apparently had enough of the crashing surf...

Raptors patrolled the meadows ablaze with golden rod including this Northern Harroer...


And the meadows were buzzing the lots of American Goldfinches...

We drove a short way west to Jamestown Island, RI and Fort Wetherill State Park and Beavertail State Park, both on the southern end of the island poking out into the ocean and only minutes from each other. Not super birdy but we did see a White-winged Scoter keeping company with Mallards in a small cove while a Spotted Sandpiper probed the pebbled shore.


The Ocean State  is a fun place to bird and nothing is far away from each other!

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