Sunday, December 1, 2024

Costa Rica: Tortuguero Canal and Puerto Limon

 November 30th found us in Puerto Limon, Coast Rica. We took a shore excursion of the Tortuguero Canals aboard a flat-bottom boat. We sat in the stern to observe from the side and the back. 


Mangrove Swallows dashed around the boats, having built nests in some of them!

The foliage, including many banana trees with green fruit, yielded some good birds, some are migratory to our area at home like the Bay-breasted Warbler:

And the Yellow-crowned Night Heron:



And the Little Blue Heron (above).

 New to us was a Bare-throated Tiger Heron:


And an Amazon Kingfisher:


And a bird we saw in Panama but was delighted to get closer views along the narrow waterway: the Great Kiskadee:

 There were other animals too, Two-toed Sloth, Howler Monkeys that howled back when the captain gunned the twin Yamaha outboards, and a baby crocodile A sneaky and hissy Cayman  peered at us before disappearing into the water foliage:

On the wharf where our ship was docked we observed Magnificent Frigatebirds soaring, and Turkey Vultures and a raptor which on closer inspection was a Hook-billed Kite:


Swooping low over the water and under the wharf were Gray-breasted Martins:

We left the port, walked through security, and into Vargas Park:

Most tourists go there hoping to see a sloth way up high, but we were looking for birds. We saw the boisterous Great-tailed Grackle, Rock Doves (aka pigoens), Tropical Kingbird, and a new one for us, the Clay-colored Thrush:

There are so many more birds to see in this beautiful country. We got a nice taste and look forward, if the stars align, to return!

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