Thursday, September 7, 2023

Moose Bog in the Northeast Corner of Vermont, 9-7-23

 We drove two hours from our Burlington VT hotel on a north-eastern angle through small towns and hills of the Green Mountain State. At nine we arrived at the trailhead of Moose Bog in the Waylock Nature Preserve across route 105 from the Silvio O. Conte NWR. A small parking lot is at the trail head. It's about a half mile to the bog.

The unseasonably hot and humid weather had set in but walking in the shade of black spruce, balsam, and birch growing from the carpet of sphagnum moss and trillium was pleasant...until we stopped. The mosquitoes were voracious. We had on heavy duty bug spray so we only had to contend with the incessant buzzing by our ears.


We arrived at the bog with a million dollar vista. 


There was a boardwalk with benches in the blazing humid sun. Another birder was there enjoying the solitude. He was a local who birded this "patch" many times. He was welcoming at our intrusion. We were hoping to see the Black-backed Woodpecker and Canada Jay but they were far away in the other side of the bog out of sight and inly making their presence known with sound.

Closer were Blue Jays with unlimited energy and vocal cords.


We did, with the helk of our new friend;s spotting scope, see a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on a black spruce snag. 

Birds aside for a moment, I enjoyed the myriad carnivorous purple pitcher plants, some blooming, growing low in the acres of bog cotton.


The blazing sun and humidity got to us so we retreated into the forest shade to battle the mosquitoes and do some birding on our walk back to the parking area. Black-capped Chickadees, a Hermit Thrush, and Palm Warbler gave us decent views. The Palm Warbler was particularly obliging.


And a red squirrel stopped its chattering to give us a curious glance from behind a tree.

 We loved this bog and would love to return perhaps when a heat wave is not present.

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