Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Dagny Johnson Key Largo Hammock State Park

On February 23rd we biked over 2 miles of trails at the Dagney Johnson Key Largo Hammock State Park. What was once the beginning of a huge development is now an expansive north Key Largo park that protects endangered plants and animals. A chicken was the unofficial greeter.


Biking was for us the best way to cover lots of ground. Part of the walk is the old asphalt  road from the past development and the rest is dirt track. the trails go through forest of gumbo-limbo, banyan, and other dense cover. A meadow, restored habitat, with wild flowers  was where we saw a Prairie Warbler taking advantage of the native flora.


A female Northern Cardinal was finding her own breakfast.


Beyond the meadow was a open area of sand a pulverized coral rock surrounded by button mangrove.

We saw Blue-gray Gnatcatchers but that was all. However we did hear the song of White-eyed Vireo on this hot place as well as throughout the park.

We biked the forest hearing cardinals and white-eyed vireo everywhere.


We startled a Common Ground Dove into a nearby tree.


We searched the tree hoping to see a White-eyed Vireo and finally caught sight of two flitting and flashing through the leaves and branches.


In addition to the birds we saw several other fluttery things that we had to later identify as we are bnot familiar with these winged beauties.

Dryas iulia "Julia" butterfly.

Mangrove skipper on a morning glory.

We hear this great habitat is fabulous in migrations season. One day we hope to see that!

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