We skirted the eastern side if Central America from Costa Rica with our first stop in Roatan, Honduras and the Carolimba Gardens on a thickly overcast and slightly drizzly norning.
It was not a very birdy morning but we did see two species. An American Redstart male in non-breeding plumage teased us in the foliage.
At the small visitor center we saw two Canviet's Emeralds, male and female, at the hummingbird feeders. This is the male below:
The next day we sailed into the port at Belize City, Belize.
We took a bus ride from the port to the Mayan ruins of Altun Ha.
It was nicely birdy in such a beautiful and historic place. In addition to a few migratory species we see at home in spring and summer, we saw several new to us species including a Northern Jacana in a pond when we took a less traveled but well-marked path behind the ruins.
Back among the ruins we saw Great Kiskadee:
Back in the bustling port we looked in the palms and found a few species as well as attracting attention with the big camera lens.
Yellow-throated Warbler:
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker:
Tropical Kingbird:We got a taste of all of these beautiful places and would love to return and do more in depth birding with experienced guides.